Fashion Photography Shreyans Dungarwal Fashion Photography Shreyans Dungarwal



It was all about me getting caught up with the power who was not suppose to be the story of my life. I got fascinated to these stories, so I read about them, spoke about them, sat down at grave yards or at a haunted places to just get the vibe and feel how it must be like. I thought it was fun, I thought it was just a joke, I thought nothing could happened to me. But, more I did this I got weak and weaker, I attracted them towards me, I asked them to show me who they were unconsciously, in my conscious mind all I said to my self was this is cool but it got hotter. I was happy but I made the choice to be scary. Turned into something I wasn’t. Here I am mix of human and devil.

Have a look at this Behind the Scene:

This is from my recent workshop with @srishtidigilife @profotoglobal in #HYDERABAD
It was too much fun with @geoffang we really messed around a lot with lights. So much to learn from him.
All thanks to @vjsdpl @gohleonard for giving such a beautiful platform to us. This was very special πŸ€—

Model: @adynas_
MUA: @divinemakeup_anusha (she managed to do such a kickass work in prosthetic, do get in touch with her)
STYLING: @amisha_with_wings_1111
Assisted by: @hitesh_dodwani@pranil_chintewar
Also @surabhi.tripathy you’re the best πŸ€—

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Travel Photography Shreyans Dungarwal Travel Photography Shreyans Dungarwal

You'll Shine - Motivational View

Recently I was traveling around Maharashtra for 5 days. I happen to shoot a lot of landscape videos and photos. This video has been on the list for a very long time. Finally, I could get some. time to shoot and edit. The reason, why I love traveling, is that it inspires me the most. Keeps me rolling let me think right. I try not to lose my patience, I really try hard to not to abuse people. But we all are humans and we end up losing our shit sometimes. Here is the video which might give you little inspiration.

Please watch the video below and read everything that I've written 

Here are some pictures from my trip. Let me know how you like them.

All the best! If there is any question you have please feel free to ask. 
Thank You :) 

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