VLOG, Fashion Photography Shreyans Dungarwal VLOG, Fashion Photography Shreyans Dungarwal



I’ve recently developed an interest on Film Photography and developing them as well. It has been an amazing journey in last 6 months I’ve learnt quite a lot. All thanks to my friend Rutvik Katuri for helping me out understanding all the things like How to shoot on films, how to load and unload films, understanding natural light even better, use of light meter, Zone System, and yes Developing Black & White films.

You might be thinking why shoot analog in 2019? We have digital camera why invest so much money on films. But Hey! that is the thing you as a photographer should definitely know how to shoot on films and develop them. I do not want to prove any point here this blog is for those who has attended my workshop and needs little more help with understanding of Film Photography & developing them.

FYI this whole presentation was made by Rutvik Katuri to. help me understand films so please look him up and show some love.


Where do we get films in India?
Sristhi Digi Life - Contact them you will make sure you find what you need.

If there is any questions please feel free to ask. Thank you :)

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VLOG Shreyans Dungarwal VLOG Shreyans Dungarwal


I started using Sony mirrorless cameras when we didn’t even have lenses from Carl Zeiss Batis. I’m talking around 4 years back when I decided to move from Nikon and its been quite a journey with Sony Cameras.
Anyhow, now we almost have all the lenses available for Sony E-Mount but today I’m not talking about Sony Lenses.
I’m talking about one of the most famous lenses from Sigma Art 50mm f1.4


Earlier I tested 35mm f1.4 Art from Sigma, this was my second lens I tested for sigma and I need to agree this lens has some ability. Why I say that is because the lens actually works really well without any focusing issues, and agrees to use all the ability available in Sony cameras. I don’t want to get technical with specs and all the other jazz cause you all must have already checked it out on all the other vlogs and blogs. I’m here to show what I could click with this lens and my experience.

Some random images I shot of the River while the sun light was falling onto the water, shot on the wide open to see what kind of bokeh we can create. I would give 8/10 cause I see a little chromatic aberration on the bokeh.

This image below I had little trouble to focus on the subject since I was trying to take a silhouette shot but I wouldn’t mind cause every other lens has that kind of issues.

This is one of the images I shot at a wedding recently where I was shooting through a transparent glass. I was surprised, It did a pretty good job on focusing.

This is one of the images I shot at a wedding recently where I was shooting through a transparent glass. I was surprised, It did a pretty good job on focusing.

1st image I had trouble to focus even though I had my single auto focus point on the Female Subject but it still kept focusing the Male Subject so I ended up shooting on Manual Focus. 2nd shot took no time and focused right away.

I met this cute girl at a wedding. I convinced her parents to let me shoot her. She had no experience of posing and getting a shoot done. It’s a task to capture such moment when focusing and getting the right expression is very important there is a long story behind these images but my lens needed to be ready to get the right shot on the right time sigma didn’t fail there which is extreme happiness for me.

We were shooting some products around the water side, I asked my fellow photographer friend to pose for me cause I wanted to see how it focuses while the person is wearing a glasses. You can take a look.

She was chilling at the location where I asked her to be in the moment but she got little conscious I still got one shot. If you’re being little candid about your images. It’s quite fast.

She was chilling at the location where I asked her to be in the moment but she got little conscious I still got one shot. If you’re being little candid about your images. It’s quite fast.

I also got some of my self images shot with this lens. Looks good to me.

I’m pretty happy with the lens what I don’t like about this lens is its too huge for 50mm but if you don’t care about the size and weight this lens should be there in your bag pack without any second thoughts. Its priced reasonable for f1.4.

Hope you liked this blog. Thanks for coming around.

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VLOG Shreyans Dungarwal VLOG Shreyans Dungarwal

Batis 135mm f2.8 by Carl Zeiss

One of the best portrait lenses ever made for Sony E-Mounts. 
Batis 135mm f2.8 This lens was quite of a surprise to all the E mount users cause none of us were really expecting Carl Zeiss to come up with 135mm for Sony E mount. 

One of the best portrait lenses ever made for Sony E-Mounts
Batis 135mm f2.8 This lens was quite of a surprise to all the E mount users cause none of us were really expecting Carl Zeiss to come up with 135mm for Sony E mount

Carl Zeiss has always made manual glass and they have been best at it but for the first time they came up with auto focus lenses for Sony E Mount. I've been a fan of this brand cause these glasses are one of the best in the market and you cannot doubt about it. 

Anyhow, I got my hands on Batis 135mm f2.8 and I had to take it to a test shoot to experience the joy of this beauty. Here are few images of the package and the look of the lens. 

Package of the lens was pretty minimal but the look and feel of the lens is amazing and for 135mm this is very light weight. 

  • I wish this lens was f2.0 but I don't want to question further cause the lens is light weight and the image quality is brilliant. 
  • It's quite pricey for f2.8 (MRP INR 1,45,000) but then we can't question cause its Carl Zeiss.
  • If you're a wedding photographer this could be a great lens to have in your bag for the obvious reason, your subject is far but you need the shot from a corner.
  • If you're a portrait shooter and looking for new lenses this is it. You won't regret. 

There are many reasons why you should buy this lens and many reasons to not buy one. I'm not trying to sell just putting my opinion. Here are some pictures I Shot on this lenses:

Unfortunately, it started to rain by the time we reached the location but that did not stop us from shooting. I hope you like this blog. Please comment, like and subscribe for more.

  • A7rii
  • Batis 135mm f2.8
  • Profoto B1 with a 10mm Grid 
  • Few shots I've used gels to create ambient

    Special Thanks to Rajkumar from Srishti Digi Life for letting me test the lens.
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VLOG Shreyans Dungarwal VLOG Shreyans Dungarwal


Taking this decision was not easy, but then I had no other option, I found my self at the dead-end with this huge freakin wall and climbing that dead-end was needed. Thats when I decided to leave #Hyderabad, move to a city which will challenge me even more, make me stronger and show me the reality which I haven't faced yet.  

I wrapped up all my work in Hyderabad, finished all the deliverables, started my car and drove down to #Mumbai. 

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