Hyderabad to Bhutan - Travelled 5500kms in 20 days
Friend of mine she always said "do what your heart says". To be honest I got connected to travelling because of her. I always wanted to create something new and fascinating but I wasn't able to & why was that ? because I was not travelling much to inspire my work. I don't say you need to start travelling to inspire your work but I really want everyone to understand the joy of travelling. Cause when you're travelling you're on your own. There are challenges, joy, curiosity, new place, new people, culture, faith, weather, climate, food and many memories.
No body can take that away from you. The spark in your eyes, smile in your face will be priceless when you think about your journey.
Traveling 30kms away from your house is also called travelling. NO kidding! You'll learn for sure.
I'm always looking for fun in my life. I think I live to have fun and enjoy everything I do. I'm still not sure what exactly I want to become but what I'm really sure about is that I need to be enjoying what ever I'm doing. I do not want to look back and say it my self oh shit! I wish I could do that now! Every time somebody walks upto me tells me my life is amazing I can do anything, i work with so many models, I get to meet celebs, travel - true man! My life is amazing and that is not because I'm a photographer or a film maker. My life is going to be amazing at any point of time cause "I do, what I love"
So, here are some of my pictures I clicked while I was travelling with my buddies - Thariq Hussain, Anil Agarwal, Rohan Kumar, Rohit Kabra
These images are inter connected. And I really want you all to have free time and look at these images. These are just not any random images I've really waited for the moment, I've really spent a lot of time in all the images. And the best part is, you all will find your self some where there & I can asure you that.
I shoot travel to inspire my self, i share my experiences cause I don't want this to go wasted. I hope you'll connected to these images, hope you all found your self some where there, I really hope to see you all being really happy with what ever you do.
Do let me know how you like these images. Thank You :)
Taking this decision was not easy, but then I had no other option, I found my self at the dead-end with this huge freakin wall and climbing that dead-end was needed. Thats when I decided to leave #Hyderabad, move to a city which will challenge me even more, make me stronger and show me the reality which I haven't faced yet.
I wrapped up all my work in Hyderabad, finished all the deliverables, started my car and drove down to #Mumbai.