It was all about me getting caught up with the power who was not suppose to be the story of my life. I got fascinated to these stories, so I read about them, spoke about them, sat down at grave yards or at a haunted places to just get the vibe and feel how it must be like. I thought it was fun, I thought it was just a joke, I thought nothing could happened to me. But, more I did this I got weak and weaker, I attracted them towards me, I asked them to show me who they were unconsciously, in my conscious mind all I said to my self was this is cool but it got hotter. I was happy but I made the choice to be scary. Turned into something I wasn’t. Here I am mix of human and devil.
Have a look at this Behind the Scene:
This is from my recent workshop with @srishtidigilife @profotoglobal in #HYDERABAD
It was too much fun with @geoffang we really messed around a lot with lights. So much to learn from him.
All thanks to @vjsdpl @gohleonard for giving such a beautiful platform to us. This was very special 🤗
Model: @adynas_
MUA: @divinemakeup_anusha (she managed to do such a kickass work in prosthetic, do get in touch with her)
STYLING: @amisha_with_wings_1111
Assisted by: @hitesh_dodwani@pranil_chintewar
Also @surabhi.tripathy you’re the best 🤗
"SONY" Camera Not Tethering to Capture One? Cloud File Syncing May Be to Blame
Sony Cameras not tethering to Capture One Pro or any other softwares on your MacBook/Windows
Is your Sony camera not tethering to Capture One Pro or any other software on your Mac or Windows computer? I had this issue for quite some time and thought there must be some issue with my system, or camera, or wire — nope. I decided to write a message to Capture One and get a fix but no one could help me.
Almost no one seems to know about this issue. There were a few people who had the same issue, but they never shared any solution to it. It was just get a new camera, laptop, tether tool wire, or maybe stop tethering.
Anyhow, last few months I’ve stopped shooting because I couldn’t tether and I don’t enjoy my shoots if I can’t tether. I was going mad trying to fix the problem, and today I have the solution.
Every time I connected my camera, this is what the camera showed:
Capture One Pro was clueless and gave me messages like this one:
And other times it showed nothing at all:
What I discovered is that this was caused by Google Drive Backup & Sync. All you need to do is…
Yes, that’s right: simply Quit your Google Drive Backup & Sync and it should start working perfectly. I’m not much of a technical person, but I really think this is the stupidest thing that I have ever come across. There shouldn’t be a connection at all, so I still don’t understand what’s happening.
Anyhow, do this and you’re back to Tethering!
I started using Sony mirrorless cameras when we didn’t even have lenses from Carl Zeiss Batis. I’m talking around 4 years back when I decided to move from Nikon and its been quite a journey with Sony Cameras.
Anyhow, now we almost have all the lenses available for Sony E-Mount but today I’m not talking about Sony Lenses.
I’m talking about one of the most famous lenses from Sigma Art 50mm f1.4
Earlier I tested 35mm f1.4 Art from Sigma, this was my second lens I tested for sigma and I need to agree this lens has some ability. Why I say that is because the lens actually works really well without any focusing issues, and agrees to use all the ability available in Sony cameras. I don’t want to get technical with specs and all the other jazz cause you all must have already checked it out on all the other vlogs and blogs. I’m here to show what I could click with this lens and my experience.
Some random images I shot of the River while the sun light was falling onto the water, shot on the wide open to see what kind of bokeh we can create. I would give 8/10 cause I see a little chromatic aberration on the bokeh.
This image below I had little trouble to focus on the subject since I was trying to take a silhouette shot but I wouldn’t mind cause every other lens has that kind of issues.
This is one of the images I shot at a wedding recently where I was shooting through a transparent glass. I was surprised, It did a pretty good job on focusing.
1st image I had trouble to focus even though I had my single auto focus point on the Female Subject but it still kept focusing the Male Subject so I ended up shooting on Manual Focus. 2nd shot took no time and focused right away.
I met this cute girl at a wedding. I convinced her parents to let me shoot her. She had no experience of posing and getting a shoot done. It’s a task to capture such moment when focusing and getting the right expression is very important there is a long story behind these images but my lens needed to be ready to get the right shot on the right time sigma didn’t fail there which is extreme happiness for me.
We were shooting some products around the water side, I asked my fellow photographer friend to pose for me cause I wanted to see how it focuses while the person is wearing a glasses. You can take a look.
She was chilling at the location where I asked her to be in the moment but she got little conscious I still got one shot. If you’re being little candid about your images. It’s quite fast.
I also got some of my self images shot with this lens. Looks good to me.
I’m pretty happy with the lens what I don’t like about this lens is its too huge for 50mm but if you don’t care about the size and weight this lens should be there in your bag pack without any second thoughts. Its priced reasonable for f1.4.
Hope you liked this blog. Thanks for coming around.
Please do follow me:
I’ve never really made any blog on weddings but today is the day when I write a small blog and share few images from the wedding of my friend who recently got married to love of his life.
I wasn’t hired to shoot the wedding its just that as a photographer if you get to see the moment you can’t really control and end up shooting. Thats what happened, most of the time I was not even carrying my camera and when I saw the moment I ended up taking the camera from the photographer Abhinash and shot these images.
I must tell you this was one of the first weddings I’ve attended in my friend circle and indeed was the adventures one which took place in some corner of Rishikesh where you have no network or wifi so its like you’re totally disconnected from the world of social media for next few days. I love such wedding.
This love story started 3 years back on 5th December and this couple decided 1 month ago to get married on 5th December of 2018! Impromptu right ?? Okay! Now have a look at the images.
Groom is Anil Agarwal & Bride is Deepali Sharma Agarwal now
Anil is an amazing Film Maker you’ll ever come across and deepali is a beautiful soul. I haven’t really spoken to her much but she’s beautiful from her heart is all I know :)
Sigma 35mm f1.4 Art for Sony E-Mount
I’ve been using Sony Mirrorless cameras for last 3 years and initially when I purchased the E-Mount body we didn’t really have any other options but buy the patent lenses from Sony but now the time has changed and finally sigma has announced lenses for Sony E-Mount camera.
I happened to test Sigma Art 35mm f1.4
Firstly let me start with a Built Quality as it is same as Nikon & Canon Sigma Art Lenses. This is the first time I’ve ever used a sigma art lens and when I compare the sigma lens with any other third party brands, sigma is built very well. Has a nice body with auto on/off switch and lovey hood.
Source: Adorama
I wasn’t really expecting much since in the past all the brands have failed on auto focusing lens for Sony E-Mount. Not to forget there are few features like Eye auto focus which was not available while we were using third party lenses with the adaptors on. But this lens has completely surprised me with the Auto Focus in a decent distance.
This image was shot in a Natural light where I had just 2 mins to make few images.
I shot few images early in morning against the sun to see what it could do. I didn’t want to edit these images so that you all could have a look at the output directly from the camera.
I also gave a shot to this lens in my commercial shoot for a jewellery brand where I was using 3 Light Setup.
How about the Bokeh?
Everyone knows about the bokeh you can achieve with this lens so instead I created few images where you could not just see the bokeh but also understand how this lens could perform even when the subject is moving and keep the image sharp & intact.
Overall View
When you start to compare this lens with any other lens I’m very excited that sigma is finally in the game. It’s pretty cool to have a fast aperture lens in such an amazing price range which is very affordable to those who needs a fast lens but doesn’t want to invest a lot on the lenses. Colors are great, edges are sharp, less distortion, Little heaver than the Sony 35mm f1.4 but you shouldn't mind the weight when the lens is half the price. It is a great lens for all the portrait shooter & wedding photographers.
That’s all for today. Thank you :)
It is always fun to mix up your Tradition with western spice. I had to the opportunity to have Shalini Vadnikatti in this shoot. She had the perfect face for what I was planning and such an amazing soul for coming out of her comfort zone, giving her best.
This shoot turned out to be even more special cause a friend of mine owns this beautiful cafe called Nirvana Bistro in Hyderabad who was willing to give me their space for this shoot. They have this crazy concept of letting you play whatever music you want, you have a projector to play your own Netflix or Prime videos, Food part is special cause it's literally like home food and if you have a nice recipe please go ahead and give it to them they 'll have it on their menu.
I happened to get my hands on Profoto A1 so decided to make a use of these beauties in my shoot. Please look at the output for yourself.
I'm attaching few Light Setups for you all to get an idea how lights were placed.
This shoot wouldnt have been possible with this amazing team I had back in Hyderabad!
Styling: Shilpageethastyles
Makeup Artist: Hurmat Klair
Hair: Satya Rachamalla
Assisted by: Pranil Chintewar & Ankit Thota
Designer: Mamatha Tulluri
Hope you all liked this series.
Thank You!
You’re scared what will people think of you cause you’re not sure about how you look or appear. That’s not people’s problem but yours. Fear of acceptance is the most horrible thing you’ll go through. It’s a maze where people are very curious to know what happened and what you’re going through. Stop caring, look beautiful for your self.
This project is very dear to my heart and It was one of the quickest shoots of all time. I had an idea and I knew exactly what I needed from my makeup artist and my model.
Here is the Light Setup I used:
Here is Light Setup I used. Basic 2 Light Setup with one Silver & Golden Reflector.
Model: @olgasimanovich
MUA & Hair: @khushbusoni06
Assisted by: @vaibhavdpandey
Agency: @blumodelmanagement
Magazine: @7huesmag
Link to buy the Magazine: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1479566
Thank you so much for having a look.
Hello Guys!
I'm sorry I didn't want to stack EXIF data with the images for this series cause I wanted you all to read this blog.
Anyhow, I'm amazed by everyone appreciating this initiative. I'm going to stack light setup for sure and try my best to help you.
I like to shoot on streets and I love to work with different people who don't belong to the industry I'm tied up with. It's an amazing experience and its challenging for the subject and the photographer, both! that makes it even more interesting, cause now we are talking something else altogether.
I happened to get in touch with a friend in #Delhi ESHNA KUTTY she was very much interested to shoot with me & try something new, she also got this brand on board called मैं (hindi: i am).
Me & Eshna went all around delhi travelling in auto, metro, cabs to shoot every place we coud cover. It was an intresting shoot. By this blog all I mean to say is try something new all the time don't stick to same genre and create same images. You have got to try your hands on Commercial, Editorials, Street Style, Personal Content, Beauty, Documentry, Landscape, ofcourse Fineart and many more.

This whole photoshoot was shot in Natural Light. All I want to let you all know that better understanding of natural light can make your life easy. I used only those spaces where I found the perfect natural light to shoot my images. If you see my images has sun in the background but still have a nice fill light on the subject's face. Choosing the perfect area for the shot.
Hope you all liked my blog.
Follow me on:
Instagram :shreyansdungarwal
Facebook: shreyansdungarwal
Youtube: shreyansdungarwal
My love in Prism!
A woman caged in a prism. Light passes through her, creating a myriad of emotions with her ever-changing look.
Model: @andreeaighe
MUA & Styling: @richie_reveal
Styling Assistant: @khushikarwa54
Photo Assistant: @arroon.nair @nikhilmore77
Editorial featured: @7huesmag
Every single day I try to learn something. I make it a point that I explore something new. It is more like a challenge to my self I can't sleep without learning something. My close ones, they always ask me this question 'why do you keep your laptop on while you're sleeping" the truth is I keep it on so that I can learn something new by watching anything on youtube or other websites.
I like to meet new people that's cause they are going to educate me on something new for sure. Yes, I end up meeting very boring people and sometimes very hyperactive but even they have something new to tell you. The reason, why I talk about this today is cause recently I've met few people who have no idea where they are going and they think life has come to end. They are clueless and since they are aged 25 by now they should be settled but the fact is none of us are settled, I am still confused about what I really want to do in life? I'm just exploring. I do not want to waste my time and later say SHIT! I should've tried that. I take my ass and camera every single place and give it a shot. All I want you all to know - it is easy and it is going to be easiest, all you need to do is practice more and more.
Here is the video I made with a friend of mine Akshay Yadav he's an artist and this guy inspires me every single time.
Chaplin in a new era!
This concept was in my mind for quite some time where we find a woman in the form of Chaplin and @kat.kristian our model was very much up for this editorial with all positive vibes. She’s just too stunning you must check her out.
Please take a look at the images.
Styled by: @khushikarwa54
MUA: @khushisoni.khushbu
Assisted by: @arroon.nair @nikhilmore77
Magazine: @elegantmagazine
Magazine could be purchased here: Fashion #9 (November 2017)
Thanks for taking a look.
When winter got Goofy
Most of the time people think my production is big. I've lots of assistants, I've all the ease possible to do a great shoot outdoor with all the permission but you know what? It's not easy I don't get permissions all the time. I'm as scared as each one of you while I'm shooting outdoor with models but I keep my mind straight and shoot thinking if somebody comes we will see them.
You should know or maybe you'll learn by the time passes when you experience situations. I end up bribing these cops or may talk to them in the sweetest tone, or sometimes just run away.
This particular shoot was not my concept. I shot this one for a friend I recently met. Finished this shoot in 2 hours - 2 lenses, 1 Camera & 1 Light. This time I didn't even have an assistant since it was last minute shoot.
When you're trying to shoot with somebody who you've never spoken to its going to be tough. You need to win their trust and try to make them pose, and when the whole team is new. Everybody is talking & suggesting poses to the model while you're shooting and that pisses you off. Always remember you as a photographer:
- You're the boss.
- Nobody should be taking over.
- If you're shooting ask everyone to shut up.
- Win the trust of the model.
I go with any colors and I don't think much while I'm shooting or editing. I just go with the flow I really don't care if people will like my work or somebody will criticise. Its simple I'm here to explore new things and I want to show my bad and great work altogether. I'm not looking for appreciation, I just want to keep trying new things. I cant stick to same things. I would like to change my style every single day, explore new ideas, meet new people and inspire my work as much as possible.
As an artist, it is very important for you to be to open to any kind ideas, you cannot stick to the same thing forever, limiting your self cause you can't do it? THAT'S A BAD IDEA! I push my self every single day to do something new if I'm not able to do something new I take a break for few days and get my ass back to where I belong. No profession is easy, no job is easy, no business is going to make your life easy. It's all about what you think about your work, about how much you love doing it, about what makes you the happiest?
DON'T RUN BEHIND SUCCESS. You'll eventually get there.
Wild & Free - Editorial Feature
We all have it in us. We all are wild and free. We get wild after the breakups, we get free after the first family fights, we get stronger after the first loss. Experience in life teaches us lessons and we have to go on forward with that. If you were wondering all the wrong things are happening to you, you've mistaken cause your issues are very small compared to others.
Everybody works hard and when you meet that somebody thats who they are. It has taken the great amount of time to experience, for who they are.
Work hard and don't lose hope. Believe it or not, while we were on our way it started raining heavily and shooting in that kind rain was impossible but "belief " that it should stop raining we drove down around 50kms from Mumbai. My assistant Arroon Nair rode down in that rain cause we didn't have space in the car. After reaching the location we realize rain is not going to stop. We have to look for the places in that location where we could shoot, we got lucky when it was just drizlling and came up with this SERIES.
Thank you.
You'll Shine - Motivational View
Recently I was traveling around Maharashtra for 5 days. I happen to shoot a lot of landscape videos and photos. This video has been on the list for a very long time. Finally, I could get some. time to shoot and edit. The reason, why I love traveling, is that it inspires me the most. Keeps me rolling let me think right. I try not to lose my patience, I really try hard to not to abuse people. But we all are humans and we end up losing our shit sometimes. Here is the video which might give you little inspiration.
Please watch the video below and read everything that I've written
Here are some pictures from my trip. Let me know how you like them.

All the best! If there is any question you have please feel free to ask.
Thank You :)
Batis 135mm f2.8 by Carl Zeiss
One of the best portrait lenses ever made for Sony E-Mounts.
Batis 135mm f2.8 This lens was quite of a surprise to all the E mount users cause none of us were really expecting Carl Zeiss to come up with 135mm for Sony E mount.
One of the best portrait lenses ever made for Sony E-Mounts.
Batis 135mm f2.8 This lens was quite of a surprise to all the E mount users cause none of us were really expecting Carl Zeiss to come up with 135mm for Sony E mount.
Carl Zeiss has always made manual glass and they have been best at it but for the first time they came up with auto focus lenses for Sony E Mount. I've been a fan of this brand cause these glasses are one of the best in the market and you cannot doubt about it.
Anyhow, I got my hands on Batis 135mm f2.8 and I had to take it to a test shoot to experience the joy of this beauty. Here are few images of the package and the look of the lens.
Package of the lens was pretty minimal but the look and feel of the lens is amazing and for 135mm this is very light weight.
- I wish this lens was f2.0 but I don't want to question further cause the lens is light weight and the image quality is brilliant.
- It's quite pricey for f2.8 (MRP INR 1,45,000) but then we can't question cause its Carl Zeiss.
- If you're a wedding photographer this could be a great lens to have in your bag for the obvious reason, your subject is far but you need the shot from a corner.
- If you're a portrait shooter and looking for new lenses this is it. You won't regret.
There are many reasons why you should buy this lens and many reasons to not buy one. I'm not trying to sell just putting my opinion. Here are some pictures I Shot on this lenses:

Unfortunately, it started to rain by the time we reached the location but that did not stop us from shooting. I hope you like this blog. Please comment, like and subscribe for more.
- A7rii
- Batis 135mm f2.8
- Profoto B1 with a 10mm Grid
- Few shots I've used gels to create ambient
Special Thanks to Rajkumar from Srishti Digi Life for letting me test the lens.
Jazz Hours by Happy Hours Dance Place
Dance workshop hosted by Harsha Maheshwari aka Komet in Hyderabad.
All these while I've been doing slow motion video with slow songs last night I decided to make a video on 25fps and use a slow song to create a story. Let me know how you all link this video.
I shot this video on 4k and edited on my MacBook pro 15" 2015-16 model. It's not tough to shoot and edit on 4k you have got to give a chance.
Sony a7rii
Sony 85mm f1.4 GM
Sony Zeiss 35mm f1.4
Sony 70-200 f2.8 GM
PS_Shot this video hand held ;)
You all must be wondering what is this all about?
Well, I'm always looking for fun and exotic things in my life. And I also try to be friends with fun loving people who have a lot to offer. Here is my friend Harsha Maheshwari - the only person I know who's really trying hard to create some insane scene for all the "girls" in the dance community. Trust me, in a city like Hyderabad where girls are still scared to wear shorts cause people who know them might think differently of them, extremely talented women who are very skeptical about exploring things, this one is really something.
I LOVE HYDERABAD for what it has given me but we are slightly laid back and some of the youngsters are trying really hard to get this city to that level. To let go and set themselves free, to believe in their dreams. I'm sure you all will love this city for what it offers you too.
Getting back to talking about Harsha, who has been struggling for last 2 years with few of her dancer friends in Hyderabad - Nirmesh, Swapnil, Sanjay and many others. I like to tag their names here cause I know these guys personally and they are amazing tutors, inspirations to all the dancers in Hyderabad and known all around India for who they are.
I'm writing this blog cause I thought it would be great to feature someone who's trying hard for the betterment of the city. Harsha tries to get all the female dancers from all around the world to come take a workshop in Hyderabad and encourage girls to take a step towards their passion. In the same way Swapnil and his crew Proximity Crew host this event called BLAME IT ON THE BOOGIE every year. There are many other dancers around the city who are hosting great dance events but I only talk about those who I know.
The whole video is shot on A7rii with 85mm f1.4 GM, 35mm f1.4, 70-200 f2.8 GM.
I would like you all to know that few of my photographer buddies are always part of these dance workshop to click pictures and take videos all for free without any expectation, trust me we do this for the love of art. These guys are amazing people - Thariq Hussain, Naveen, Gyan Thakur, Adrin Sequeira, Shreyak Singh, Rohan Kumar, Anil Agarwal, Arpita Patel, Rutvik Katuri. All of these guys are doing really well for them self and try their best to be a part when ever it is possible.
Here are some of the images I clicked for the recent workshop by Svetana Kanwar in Hyderabad hosted by Harsha.
Hope you all liked my feature and I would really want you all share and appreciate the term "DANCE" cause hey it lets you move the way you want to move.
Hyderabad to Bhutan - Travelled 5500kms in 20 days
Friend of mine she always said "do what your heart says". To be honest I got connected to travelling because of her. I always wanted to create something new and fascinating but I wasn't able to & why was that ? because I was not travelling much to inspire my work. I don't say you need to start travelling to inspire your work but I really want everyone to understand the joy of travelling. Cause when you're travelling you're on your own. There are challenges, joy, curiosity, new place, new people, culture, faith, weather, climate, food and many memories.
No body can take that away from you. The spark in your eyes, smile in your face will be priceless when you think about your journey.
Traveling 30kms away from your house is also called travelling. NO kidding! You'll learn for sure.
I'm always looking for fun in my life. I think I live to have fun and enjoy everything I do. I'm still not sure what exactly I want to become but what I'm really sure about is that I need to be enjoying what ever I'm doing. I do not want to look back and say it my self oh shit! I wish I could do that now! Every time somebody walks upto me tells me my life is amazing I can do anything, i work with so many models, I get to meet celebs, travel - true man! My life is amazing and that is not because I'm a photographer or a film maker. My life is going to be amazing at any point of time cause "I do, what I love"
So, here are some of my pictures I clicked while I was travelling with my buddies - Thariq Hussain, Anil Agarwal, Rohan Kumar, Rohit Kabra
These images are inter connected. And I really want you all to have free time and look at these images. These are just not any random images I've really waited for the moment, I've really spent a lot of time in all the images. And the best part is, you all will find your self some where there & I can asure you that.

I shoot travel to inspire my self, i share my experiences cause I don't want this to go wasted. I hope you'll connected to these images, hope you all found your self some where there, I really hope to see you all being really happy with what ever you do.
Do let me know how you like these images. Thank You :)